Appearance preferences

    The Appearance preferences tab controls the look of Audion's control window.

Face browser

    The face browser allows you to select a look for Audion. Underneath the face browser is the face's description, which can be configured by the face's author, and a URL that can give you more information about the face's author.

Use alpha channels

    Audion supports alpha channels; a method of giving graphics transparency. Alpha channels are what makes the soft shadows in Audion look good no matter what the Audion window is placed on top of. However, alpha channels are complex to implement, and as a result can cause quick "flashes" when the Audion interface is moved or brought to the front. If you don't like these flashes, you can turn off alpha channels.

    Note: Turning off alpha channels will severely de-coolify Audion!

Live control window dragging

    With this turned on, you won't get dotted outlines while dragging the Audion window, as the whole window will drag. This makes it really fun to watch the drop shadows float over your desktop, and offers a much smoother interface (assuming your computer is fast enough to handle it!).

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